Dc Microheroes Wiki


  • Occupation: Sinestro Corps soldier
  • Status: Deceased
  • Homeworld: Unknown
  • Space Sector: 108
  • Group Affiliation(s): Sinestro Corps
  • Eyes: Yellow
  • Hair: None
  • First Appearance: Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2 #35 (June 2009)


Wick was one of hundreds of Sinestro Corps soldiers to follow a beacon to the planet Daxam in Space Sector 1760. Once there, they soon found themselves under the orders of Mongul who had taken command of the Sinestro Corps after defeating Arkillo of Vorn. Badly beaten, Arkillo had his tongue ripped out by Mongul. The Sinestro Corps on Daxam were in fear of their new leader.

Arkillo did not want to be reminded of Mongul. Though he could not speak, members of the Sinestro Corps knew they should not speak Mongul’s name aloud in Arkillo’s presence. While part of a hunting party rounding up fugitive Daxamites for Mongul, Wick forgot Arkillo’s rule twice. Arkillo's fist punched through Wick's robotic skull. There would not be a third time.
